There are seven fundamental types of catastrophes. Beauty is not one of them.

Happy New Year!

Golden Sky Happy New Year 2014 HD Wallpapers

Saying goodbye to last year’s memories and embracing what lies ahead. Trying to see today with optimism and not carry the load of yesterday’s woes into the spotlight of a new day can be difficult and frustrating but there’s victory in the effort, which is progress in itself.

I’m not one for making grand resolutions, but I’m all for gradual progression. Slow and steady wins the race and allows us to keep up some momentum. Running at the speed of light is a guaranteed gas guzzler, draining us of our endurance and speed long before the midway point. So here’s wishing you a first quarter of great gradual progression. Track your progress and acknowledge your month-end successes with mini celebrations.

Anything is better than standing still.  : )

Happy New Year my friends!

You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety – Abraham H Maslow




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