There are seven fundamental types of catastrophes. Beauty is not one of them.

how to organize/catalog nail polish shades…

I love a fresh manicure. There are so many gorgeous shades of polish out there that I dedicated a Pinterest board for discovering new shades & creativity.

…have you heard about the Louboutin mani?! and to think, I thought the Stiletto mani was somethin’ else!

photo source

Stiletto Manicure

photo source

although I love nail polish, the problem I have is that I tend to be drawn to one particular shade like a moth to a flame. Bright deep pink ALWAYS catches my eye! It started several summers back when a nail tech introduced me to Essie’s Exotic Liras… I was hooked.

Exotic Liras

photo source

But since then I’ve purchased several similar shades & I’m always surprised by how many duplicates I end up with SO I had to stop the madness!

And this is how I did it...

  • Bought a set of nail polish color wheels at Sally’s. They’re super cheap – you get 10 for $5.99 & it’s even less with their discount card so get into that if you haven’t. 🙂
  • Painted 1-2 coats of each polish I own to a nail on the wheel.
  • Used a fine tipped sharpie to write the name of the polish on the back of the nail coated with it’s shade.
  • Store the wheel in the same plastic bin with all of my polishes for easy shade selection.

Voila! That’s how I store my polish shades. Simple but so useful.

What about you?

Any creative ideas for organizing your nail polish collection?

6 comments on “how to organize/catalog nail polish shades…

  1. Naomi
    June 5, 2012

    That’s such a good idea! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’m going to have to do something similar I think.

    Naomi x

    • suite7beautytalk
      June 5, 2012

      You’re welcome! It makes it so much easier.. hope you try it out.

  2. hannahlundberg
    June 6, 2012

    This is such a cool idea! I can never remember how things look on and have to pull out all my polishes and swatch them each time – this would make things so easy! Thanks! x

    • suite7beautytalk
      June 6, 2012

      Thanks, it’s such an easy system & really helps to remind me what I already own & it’s great for quickly picking a polish when I do my nails.

  3. whitelace
    January 29, 2014

    Super idea! I wonder if it would be helpful to group similar shades/types if possible? This would display similar choices and ward off buying dupes, Of course when you add to your collection, this idea fizzles!

    • suite7beautytalk
      January 29, 2014

      Yea, I don’t bother grouping similar shades or brands or anything, having them clearly visible on the circle with the name underneath is good enough for me. Trying to cut back on my addiction to organizing by doing just enough.. it’s a battle.

      ; )

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