There are seven fundamental types of catastrophes. Beauty is not one of them.

blues shoes muse

this post was requested by and written for my sister. I had no intention of letting my family and friends know about my blog for a while but a few weeks ago, my sister suggested I start a blog. this lead to my telling her about SUITE7 which lead to her checking it out & after reading my post about Polyvore, she asked me to come up with some looks for a pair of blue stilettos she’d just purchased. that’s them above, saucy huh?

Stacy London & Clinton Kelly

photo source

now I’m not exactly Stacey London but I can put together a look or two. actually, I thought I had a keen eye for style but after seeing some of the amazing looks on Polyvore, it’s making me reconsider my fashion sense all together. 😐

anyhow, I’ve put together a few looks using my sister’s blue shoes as the muse. I know her style fairly well, and while she wouldn’t wear every suggestion I’ve created, the point is to inspire some ideas on how to work her fabulous blue heels into her existing wardrobe and what to add to it for creating new looks. the cool thing about colorful shoes is that you can make them the star of the outfit or a great accessory, just all about how you work it. she requested mostly date night looks for nights out with her hubby so I based most of the options on that..

If all else fails, I’d start with some black skinny jeans, black blazer and simple tee. then add some small diamond studs, long thin gold chain, chunky bracelet and red clutch. I’d finish off my look with soft curls, subtle smokey eye using nude and brown tones paired with a red lip and nails. can’t go wrong with that…

okay, enough chit-chat..on to the pics:

The idea behind this look is a casual night out for drinks. Pairing a periwinkle blue cardigan over a simple grey tank with black jeans then adding a dangly black necklace with feather earrings, bracelet and chain-strap clutch adds a lil oomph to the outfit and shoes. It’s taking a simple foundation and spicing it up with accessories.

An after-work dinner date. While still at the office, change into the teal heels (from black pumps) & add a gold diamond bracelet and colorful drop earrings + red lipstick. Then just remove the jacket and pull the blue clutch out of your briefcase for sophisticated sexiness.

This look has an edge to it, thanks to the blue thigh-high side-buckled boots. A simple fitted cotton textured, denim-colored dress gets a pick-me-up by adding a thin brown braided belt paired with black tights. Add a colorful necklace and matching clutch and you’re ready for a concert, gallery, exhibit, etc.

This is a casual, cute look – perfect for a movie or even bowling (just toss a pair of socks into your bag) and when you’re done, change out of those dreadful bowling flats back into your sexy heels. Dress up any simple sweatshirt with a colorful scarf that’s more for visual accessorizing than function. Add a simple bracelet, keep the makeup light and you’re ready to go! Plus I couldn’t resist the sweater, it’s an inside joke with my sis.

This choice is so very Breakfast At Tiffany’s… Elegance. Think Formal event. Wedding. Opera or other la-dee-da festivities…where double-cheeked kisses and other fake gestures might take place. LOL…. I kid, I kid.  Sorta’.

This works for the everyday activities with your guy like running errands and stopping along the way for a quick bite. Least you’ll be stylish and comfortable at the same time. It’s laid back while still very presentable. Can even wear this to your neighbor’s game night shenanigans..  Beats sweats any day… Um, can you tell I really dig that sweater. I want it. Bad.

This hotness needs very little explanation. It’s sexy – bustier. It’s powerful – you can’t pull off leather pants if you don’t know who the hell you are. It’s confident – a fitted blazer adds polished appeal to any outfit. Never fails. So whether you don this for girls night out or date night on the town with your boo, you have to completely own this look. No way around it…

so that’s what I put together. hope she likes my choices. what do you guys think of these looks? enough variety? am I style challenged? I want to know what you think! 🙂

2 comments on “blues shoes muse

  1. Cherise
    February 17, 2012

    I love them all. I love the 1st blue dress. The breakfast at Tiffanys look. I wish I had the (you-know-whats) to wear that bustier, hot mama! Im going to find that sweater, got to have it. But I would probably go with the black skinny jeans, black blazer look, that sounds more like me. Thanks sis!!!!BTW, you have a red clutch I could borrow (have)!

    • suite7beautytalk
      February 17, 2012

      I’m glad you like these choices. Don’t you just love how great your pic came out! Your fancy phone took a great pic because I sent it to my e-mail from my janky phone and it still turned out great. So you mean to tell me my go-to look turned out to be your go-to look afterall…. geez. And somehow, I’m missing both of my red clutch purses.. I think I sold one awhile back because it was too small but not sure what I did with the other one. I’m gonna have to buy a new one.. clutches are tricky because their often too small and I need at least a little bit of space for the basics. I’m gonna track that sweater down for us, watch!



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